İgsaş HakkındaNitrogenous Fertilizers
They are fertilizers including nitrogen. The nitrogen and organic substance contents of the soil to be fertilized and nitrogen need of the plant to be cultivated are taken into account in determination of the amount of the nitrogenous fertilizers to be used. Nitrogenous Fertilizers ensure formation of roots, development and growth of the plant. It accelerates maturation of the plants. It raises the product quality. It ripens the grains, prevents shedding and increases fertility.
İgsaş HakkındaPhosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers
These fertilizers contain phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus Fertilizers ensure formation of roots, development and growth of the plant. It accelerates maturation of the plants. It raises the product and fertility quality. It prevents shedding of the grains. It additionally increases resistance of the plants to drought and diseases. The grains become more mature as well. The Potassium Fertilizers increase the resistance of the plant to hot, cold and drought. It increases the product efficiency and quality. It prevents damages caused by nitrogen surplus. It accelerates maturation of the plant.
İgsaş HakkındaCompound Fertilizers
Compound fertilizers contain more than one nutrient. These nutrients in this fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphor and potassium. These are stated in percentages successively. For instance; 20-20-20 composed 100 kg fertilizer includes 20 kg pure nitrogen, 20 kg pure phosphor and 20 kg pure potassium oxide. As these compound fertilizers include various nutrients, it offers economical use and ease to the farmers, as the plants will require less effort and time.